Playstation 4 PS4 HDMI v2.0 Port Comparison
During our extensive research and tests we came by new version of upgraded PS4 HDMI port available from few suppliers. The upgraded port seems to have a better design to enable improved usability for the end user. The newly designed ports has also addressed one of the problems with original Sony Playstation 4 design, which was the pins alignment and orientation damage due to wear and tear. The PS4 has just been released and after the initial warranty ran out, the user began experiencing faults with the most common fault being no video display due to poor connectivity via poorly designed HDMI port at the back of the console. All are forced to pay hefty Sony repair fees in order to get their gaming console back online. The design of the current original port has also not taken considerable amount of heat, which is generated by the console. If sent to Sony for a repair the same design port will be installed, which is prone to failure and all users eventually experience the same problems coming back. Some manufacturers in China have come up with improved design, which addresses bending of the pins, loose adhesive and poor metal alloy used.